Saturday, January 20, 2007

Gardner Glitch

I'd seen pictures of the gardner glitch on several occasions but never happened to me until now. Above you can see 4 different gardners. There ended up being 5 or 6 of them total. Not to bad. What seemed to cause the glitch. All of the sims on the lot was frozen. None would move. Nothing seemed to help. I selected each sim trying to figure out the problem. Finally figured it out. I have macrostatics hack in my game. I'd sent a sim to "clean" using that hack. There was a trash can that was in a room he couldn't get to (lack of door). Instead of going to the next task, he froze and all the other froze. He had a picture of the trash can in his queue and it was the only one of its kind on the lot. I moved the trash can out of the room (with no doors), then everyone started to move as normal. More than likely, this isn't the real gardner glitch but hack induced gardner glitch. Some of the gardners work and some play with the pets.
One of the gardners, on her own, visited the cowplant. I wasn't expecting or planning this to happen. I didn't think NPC would try for the cake, unless they were guests. I had a sim that's relationship was high enough to invite over, just didn't get around to it yet.

Haunted House

Eye gets scared by Jan Tellermans ghost while visiting with a social worker.

Dew U's wife is visiting with her dd, Irilly. She is talking about grandkids. Encouraging her dd to have grandkids to carry on the generation challenge.
Now the conversation has gone a little dark. I never did see who they were talking about that was dead.

Eye Hatesims goes to one of the pet stores to purchase a created dog to add to the family pet line.
The dog to the left is Doom Dog. A dog that one of my kids created. I'll share a better picture of him later on.
Bartender dies by cowplant.

This funny little glitch has been happening from time to time. A sim will be standing on the spot that the cowplant wants to plant the tombstone. The sim will be stuck in the stone until I move one of them. When I went to move it, I clicked wrong and it was in the hands of the sim. With him holding it like that, it looks like a stage prop tombstone or holiday decorations.

Burnt food and plat death

I noticed the stove all smoky so zoomed in to watch the sim eat. A long time ago I happen to watch a sim who ate a burnt item but didn't catch it in pictures. I wasn't going to make that mistake again, at this time.

The sim must be a slobbish sim. The food is flying out of the bowl. Not to long ago, I caught a sim eating with their hands. ROFL

After he takes his first bite, he puts his hand to his mouth as if he is gagging at the taste.
He gets over it or the taste seems to mellow out, because he is back to sloshing it into his mouth.
After about half a dozen or more bites, he slows down and takes slower bites. His hunger bar was red, so maybe the sloppy eating was due to being really hungry.
I saw grim appear in the pet yard. I expected one of the pets had spent their last day on the lot.
To my surprise, it wasn't a pet but my second platinum elder death.

G3 Ages to Child.

Irilly Hatesims, generation 3, ages to child. I forgot to change her hair as a toddler so the first thing I did was change the default hair. (Why didn't EA Games create a random file for the hair like they did with so many other things? Oh well, easy enough to fix.)

She walked over to play with the evil clown toy in a box. She did this on her own as I watched. The box normally scares people, but she liked it. Clapped and seemed delighted.
Irilly is adding soap to the fountain. (as directed by me... ggg).
She giggles at her work.
Grandpa Eye comes out to look at the fountain. The slob ghost spooks Eye. I'm starting to think Ms. Lady Slob isn't fond of Eye at all.

This is Dew U's wife with her new pink hair.

First Plat and haunting

My first elder death is the founders wife. She had a great relationship to her husband, Eye. She left him 20k inheritance, but gave her 1-2-3 Gym to a different sim. Interesting, I thought they were suppose to give their shops to the person they had the best relationship with. The sim she gave it was her friend, but not the highest relationship on the lot. He was the oldest adult sim on the lot. There were two other sims in the elder age level.

The slob haunts Eye.
Something is haunting the lamp.
Its ROVER. So far, he is the pet that haunts more than any of the others.
Here is another dog haunting Dew U. (generation 2 sim).

Its funny how sims can be so terrified and then walk away calmly as if NOTHING happened. hehehehe
(G3) Irilly Hatesims has grown into a toddler.
Eye, the founder, seems to have fallen victim of a plummet. He stumbles around.
.... and stumbles
gets his feet under him and walks off. His needs are normally high, so wasn't even worried.
A few game play minutes later, another sim plummets. He survives too. Lucky for me, he is marked to be a platinum stone point.

This marks the 37th day I've had a vampire on the lot. I'm getting ready to move the family to a new lot and wanted to take a shot of this prior to the move. I'm not sure if the item will keep its counter time after the move or reset to zero. (5 pt for vampire on the lot)

Mystery Plan

(a) Can you guess what I'm up to?
I happen to spot a lady slob walking by my lot. I sent a sim to say hello. I wonder if she likes cake?
(b) Back to the mystery plan. What about now? Does this shot give away what the mystery plan is about?
While I'm keeping an eye on my mystery plan, I was also keeping an eye on the cow garden. Looks like lady slob does like cake.
She tries to push the cow plant away. I bet that will work. She'll be fine. Unless, she jumps for the cake.
OH darn, she jumped for the cake. (sigh) She's cow food.
Looks like the mystery plan is ready to take place. The founder invited over some NPC's.

NPC invited to the mystery plan include....
  • gardner
  • bartender
  • social worker
  • head master
  • Repairman was called for some needed repair work.
  • Exterminator was ordered for possible roaches.
  • The maid was already on the lot cleaning. It was a really long day for her. Poor over worked and under paid maid.

(c) If the others didn't give it away, I'm sure you can guess what the plan is about now. Broken cleaning bots have coughed trash all over the top of the house.
First sim to reach the top floor is the bartender. Will he make it to the cake or not?
Bartender seems to be frozen from the horrible smell. Next to arrive is the head master.
Head master seems to be swoshing his hands at something.
This does NOT look good for the head master.


All that's left is a pile of ash. (Flies turn sims to ashes. Interesting.)

What happens when a sim dies? A funeral. (Yickes) Not exactly a safe place for a funeral. Maybe the other sims will tell something is odd and wont attend.

Bartender and grim are the first to arrive. The made is making her way through the maze to the funeral.

Next to arrive is the gardner, mailman (haha he was just delivering mail and not a guest), and the social worker. Looks like the repairman snuck through the gate to fix the broken clean bots.
MR. BIG?? That's a mystery, he wasn't invited. He must have been walking by the house when the head master was swarmed. It doesn't look good for Mr. Big. He stopped and is swoshing at something.
He's stomping and swoshing.
Then falls to a pile of ashes.
The other sims make their way to Mr. Bigs funeral.

After that the maid spent a REALLY long time cleaning up the mess. Some of the sims in the house joined her.

The only deaths were the head master and Mr. Big. Since I didn't put walls around the area, it caused a low environment score for the entire yard area. So I let the sims clean. Restored the cleaning bots and let them clean. For some reasons, two spots stayed smoking green. I guess a little to much of a good thing. I ended up moving the family to a new lot. That works out ok, I was getting tired of the floor plan in this house.

With all that trash the lot never got roaches. (shrug) So much for roach flu and illness death.

counter statistics