Saturday, January 06, 2007

Skill time, aspiration failure, and more

Eye works on a skill. (snore)
Tucker watches the clouds... He must see a BBQ grill or maybe he wants to BBQ (inside the house).
Eye moves in another college friend.
This sim was the one with the gold bag at the Christmas shop. I wanted to see how many things a sim (townie) would keep or bring to the lot. Sadly, it was only 3 or 4 items. That's ok, that was 3-4 items I didn't have before.
Many sims skilling up for their next promotion. (snore)
I'm not sure what happened to him, but he hit rock (point for me) bottom.

[X] Romance aspiration failure completed.

He romances sponge mop buddy.
Purple heart memory for someone. Could this mean.... Could it mean.... generation 2 may be on the way?
Yes, that is exactly what it means.
Eye gets engaged to his knocked up girlfriend. (I hope its his baby.... ggg)
He talks about weather? WEATHER!!! You asked her to marry you and all you can talk about is the weather? OH boy, this should be an interesting marriage.

Wedding starts... and is over in a Vegas Minute.

Tucker continues to watch the clouds.


Eye and his girl friend go to Little N' Local to work that shop of to a rank 10. With their earnings they purchase The Christmas Shop and work there a while. I don't think they worked it up to rank 10, I'll need to check on that. After that they needed a break from all that work and went to 1-2-3 Gym and worked it to rank 10.

With the two of them going, they could date to keep each other platinum and then use the energizer to keep needs up. This allowed me to go from one lot to the next until I had my fill of OFB and returned home.

If you would like pictures and more details about their OFB Shops, click here to hop to that page.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Uni Friends Move IN

Can you find the floating pig blimp in the picture? I read someplace that the pig blimp is like nessy in the stream in sims1 base game.

Eye asks his girlfriend to move in. Odd that she is thinking of an evil mascot at the same time. FOCUS WOMEN your man is talking.

She moves in with 8k in her pocket. Not to bad.

Garrett moves in with 10K.

Nathen moves in with 17k.
Tucker moves in with 19K. Are you wondering why I moved in all of the uni sims? It can't be for the move in money, there isn't a point for money so that would be silly.

Eye is off to his first day at work.
I snap a close look at the carpool driver just in case I want to use him later.
This shot is of the munchie bot bringing food to the hungry sims. I never used the munchie bot much, so this will be fun.

They all feast on the food while Eye Hatesims is off working.

Moving in Day

3x3 Empty lot placed near the other Bluewater homes.
Sim moved in.
Emptied his backpack items. Then started to arrange them into rooms.
Placed floor tiles to show future rooms. Put walls up for bathroom and added doors.
Bedroom walls put up. Thats all the building for now. Visitor arrived while sim was looking at the computer for his new job.

A weird glitch. There is two tip jars. One is floating around. The other is on the ground in the normal place. To tip, I have to click the floating one.
counter statistics