Saturday, April 14, 2007

POINTS. (deaths and badges)

Plants Don't Hatesims proof of getting all her badges.
Plants Don't Hatesims dies of old age. The game only listed the shops she left and to whom. It didn't show the inheritance left. Maybe she didn't have life insurance.
Maxis Hatesims earns all his badges.
Maxis Hatesims dies of old age. Barney Hatesims dies of old age. This sim was spored by Eye Hatesims. When I had room on the lot, Eye spored two plant babies at the same time.

Carpal Tunnel Hatesims earns all of her gold badges.

Real Life Hatesims earns all of her badges.
J LuvSims dies of old age. My first GCS sim to die. All six of the GCS sims ate all 200 GCS even though that wasn't a requirement of the challenge. It was something I wanted to try my self. I created a lot with 6 sims and turned them all into Grilled Cheese aspiration. I wanted to see what it would be like to have a household of just GCS sims. I really enjoyed this lot. I don't find getting the GCS LTW an easy one, but it can be fun.
The sim died in what use to be the kitchen of the house. It is now a game room. I think he was hanging out with the other two sims just before he died. They never got up to cry at his stone.

M LuvSims dies of old age. The sims were all created at the same time and all died within a week of each other.
M died upstairs in one of the bedrooms. I think he just finished making the bed or was about to make the bed. The only sim that sleeps in a bed is the servo. All the other sims in the house were changed into plantsims.

S LuvSims dies of old age. He died just after he got out of the sphere.

R LuvSims dies of old age. Another one of them dies in the game room.

T Luv'Sims dies of old age. He dies among the leaves.

Z Luv'Sims dies of old age. He dies in the shower room.

Maputo Hatesims dies of old age. This was the other sim spored by Eye Hatesims.
Maputo died in the family room.

Birth of G10

Another sim dies.

A few sim hours pass and another sim is born.

Real Life gives birth to Time Hatesims.

The end of this challenge but not the end of this family. I moved the family out and into a new house. I was very tired of that lot. I moved in 5 different families from the sim bin. I'm going to continue with the Generation Neighborhood until I reach my goal of owning all Maxis Made Open For Business Lots and work them up to rank 10.

The five families will be played in rotation. Playing each family for "about" the same amount of time. I have some twists and turns planned. Nothing official, just some things to keep the game interesting.

Thanks for visiting and I hope you enjoyed or learned something new from this sim blog.

Evil Kite + Seasons EP

Eye had a want to get hit by lightning.
I decided I'd try the evil kite to see if that would work to get the want.

He flies the kite for just a little bit and gets hit by lightning.



What is happening to my founder?

He is on fire. OH no, not on fire. If I had even dreamed the possibility I wouldn't have sent the founder to test this.

A sim runs to put out the fire.
It doesn't work.
Eye Hatesims has just died from flames.
His little arm is the only thing above the ground.

Grim comes to the pile of smoking ashes.

A sim cries.

In no time, a sim calls grim and says give me back my founder.

They spend 10k and Eye comes back.

He isn't even burnt.

He still has a want to get hit by lightning. I'm not sure if the kite will or will not work for this want. In this attempt, it did not.

Hail Storm

Trudy posted about having a hailstorm. I don't remember having had one. I decided to pull out the weather machine and give it a try.
Zappp! Into the sky.
Some science just shouldn't be done.
It seems like a very bad idea to zapp into the sky.
What does that do to the sims ozone layer?
Oh wait, sims are not real they are a game so zapping into the sky is probably just fine.

The hail starts just as a visiting sim gets eaten by a cowplant.

Wedding arch is still in the same place.

Eye needed some more days, so he went to milk the cow. He was the first sim to act as if he even noticed the hail.

I noticed all the sims went inside on their own. When I went to look why, I found a grim and the dancing girls.

A sim walking by feels the sting of the hail.
The gardener keeps on watering the garden while he get hit by hail.
Very interesting watering style.
This was funny to watch. I wish he had stayed longer.

He waters normally.
Then remembers the hail and slings the water can over his head leaving a trail of water. The water continued to flow out of the can in all sorts of directions.

He did this for about three or four plant spots, then left. I didn't capture the best pictures of this but at least you get the point of it.

Real Life Falls in love and gets married.

I decided I wanted the next offspring to be born instead of spored. It took me a few days to decide who Real Life should marry. At the time I didn't have but one space left and figured that would be best left for the baby. Then a DUH moment hit me. I had Real Life fall in love with one of the Twin spores of Eye Hatesims.
Here they are in the garden falling in love. The garden of cowplants is just behind them.

After true love comes the first kiss.
Then engagement.
Then marriage.

No time was wasted.

I didn't even put in chairs for the other family members to set in.
Maxis Hatesims is the one in white. I can't tell the others apart.
After the wedding, Real Life Hatesims does some needed gardening.

Vampire Plantsim (more)

One of the plantsims pass out from lack of water. Eye comes to the rescue to revive the sim. (maxis has a funny sense of humor. The sim is revived with water at the knees/thigh area. It looks like he is watering the sims pants as she sleeps. People would be better revived at the face as compared to a plant at its ground level or stem area. I wonder if it was for humor or looking at the plantsim more of a plant than a sim. It can make for some funny shots.)
The sim who was just revived has died of old age. This didn't happen just after the other, but the pictures imply that it does.
Vampire sim becomes a plantsim. This is a very fun sim to deal with. A sim who loves but yet hates the sun. When in sun, their needs fall just as a vampire sim. In the house their needs seem to be ok. After the needs fell, I ended up keeping the vampire in her special room. While out, she managed to bite Eye Hatesims AGAIN.
To get the vampire plantsim it took some interesting juggling. I didn't want the vampire to have full range of the lot and bite another sim. First I tried to put a fence around the garden area. The vampire's room was moved next to the garden with a door to the garden. The door was locked for all sims except the vampire. Well, the vampire flew over the fence in bat mode and escaped her cage. I didn't even think of that option. I flew her back in and put her back in her room. Then, deleted the fence and built a room around the garden with sun lamps. The door was locked to only allow one extra sim. So if plants needed tending during the day, they could work and let the vampire sleep. The vampire could only be in her room or the garden area.
First glimpse of the vampire plantsim. She doesn't look any different from any other plantsim.
The vampire plantsim is in need of a drink. Eye comes to her rescue.
Carpal Tunnel reached the top of her career and has perm plat status. WTG Carpal. Time to work on your badges and the next generation.
Carpal Tunnel working on her cosmo badge. The plantsim seems to have brown face paint (foundation) on. He stayed that way until he died.
Here is a side view of the plantsim who has the brown, not green, face.
Eye Hatesims has passed out from lack of water and it is raining. It looks like steam is coming off of him. Sometimes you see a little fog or haze with the rain. I figured the steamy look was just from that.

The rain didn't seem to help, so I sent another sim to help revive him. As Eye gets up, it looks very odd to be revived in that way.
Eye Hatesims seems a little unhappy about something. Could it be the wet pants? Perhaps. It wasn't until this point, that I realized he had been turned into a vampire (AGAIN). The lot vampire will not leave him alone. They seem to have a very strong bond. I've done things to bottom out their relationship. If the vampire is allowed freedom, they will auto re-build that relationship to romance. BITE. Sorry Eye, but I'd think you should have learned her evil ways a long time ago. Maybe all the cows milk has altered his thought process.
Eye must have scared the other sim. The original vampire (plantsim) is just behind the other two. She is very upset about the sun.
The sims home lot.
The area without the roof is the garden area that was used by the vampire.
Over all, the lot has got a tad dull. I took this shot just before I changed the house. Removed the pool and lots of the walls. Compacted the house to make it easier to manage. I don't seem to have a picture of the changes. Maybe I took this picture for a different reason that I don't remember.

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