Saturday, January 13, 2007

Plummet - Finally

Time to re-try the plummet.

First thing, I need some sims.

Jan Tellerman is called in to play

And another sim....

First thing I did was to build their relationship to romance. I have not given up on the idea that woohoo may increase chance of a plummet. I'm ready to get this going and to get a broken elevator. The next thing I did was to use a green snap near them to bring their needs down. Needs low but not to low. I don't want them to die of hunger before they plummet to their possible death.

After I gave up on the last try, I added another set of elevators. Put them in and left them to age. Change the floor plan. This time, I used green snaps and pink snaps to help keep their needs in a good place. The only NEED I have to watch is energy. Energy is taken care of by coffee or quick naps. A single plate of jello for extreme low hunger. Goal was to keep their plumbob red. From my experience with scared to death and electric deaths, its the combo of all needs. If they are (combined) to be low, they will die from the death. The plumbob doesn't even have to be red for them to die. To help increase the chance, I tried to keep them RED. Its a risk with so many ghosts around.

I spend a few days sending them up and down.... down and up.... woohoo in every elevator. Then send up... send down until....

Finally, I noticed the buttons grayed out. I froze the game.

I noticed a dust pile at the bottom of the oldest row of elevators. I zoomed in. I was so excited, I just knew this would be it. As you see her needs are so low that her plumbob is RED.
She exits, she stumbles.
And stumbles with dizzy stars above her head.
She is done, I know it.... she is done for.... I've seen plummets before, but never one that was as dizzy as this one. I check her energy bars. Hunger is so low. Its red with just a tiny hair on the end.
She stumbles and I'm sure she is going to fall to the ground.... GRIMMY I have a sim for you. Come back.
Her head is all swooshy.
She takes another stumble.
and another....
She holds her head and seems to be getting her feet under her.
Come on... check your pulse, grab your throat, hold your tummy.... something.
Nope. NOTHING. She gets her feet under her and then goes off to set in the chair. (SHRUG) WHAT!!!! How could she survive that fall. Her needs are in serious low shape. She survived this. (sigh) HOW!!!

FINE!!! Well I open up the cheat window and put in boolprop. I wanted to check to see if there was a plummet added to Rodney's Death creator. NOPE there wasn't. Its the same as they always were, but there isn't a megaphone one added either. Although that one is like a choking death and the ghost haunts with a megaphone in hand. I can say, this simmer is confused. That sim should have died. I'm not sure why she didn't die of hunger. After many days of attempts, I decide to use some cheats to see if I can "make" it happen. I tried many things and nothing made it happen. No matter how low their needs, they didn't die. I finally had a sim die from starvation. They were so low on the hunger that the sim would have died before getting to food anyway. It didn't really feel like it counted.


1. Further real game testing needed, one without cheats. With a screen shot of the sims needs at the time of plummet.

During the cheat testing, Jan Tellerman died of starvation. That put this sim into aspiration failure. Nothing that happened during the "cheat code" testing will be scored in the challenge.
The electric ghost just scared my founder sims wife. He has an evil smile as if he enjoyed it.
Eye called the paper girl over. He is going out to say hello.
He also invited the cow mascot over.
Cow Mascot becomes cow plant food.
Paper girl also becomes cow plant food.

The last picture is a glitch. The game poofed the stone down in the same place that my sim was standing. It looks odd, maybe a strange set of concrete shoes.

Elevator Death - attempt

My first attempt at the elevator death was set up inside the house. I had three elevators that went to the upper two floors, then 2 that went to the bottom. Spent many sim days sending a sim up and down the elevator... Waiting for it to break. Waiting and waiting and waiting. Well, it finally plummeted, but with a different (unknown) sim. The elevator was in the house so I didn't have a view of all the floors to see it. So I re-arranged my attempt to try again.

Here is my next attempt at the elevator death. The only elevators in the house are the ones along the back wall of the OUTSIDE of the house. Outside, so no matter what floor I am on, I have view of all the elevators. I closed in the bottom with a fence and there are no doors into the house. The area is blocked off to allow only the "select" sims to use the elevator. Next time it plummets, it will be a sim WITH LOW NEEDS. Then the elevator death will be MINE. I work for day after day after (sim) day on the plummet. NOTHING. I read that woohoo in the elevator is suppose to increase the chance of a plummet. Ok lets give that a try. I move two sims into the area, build up their relationship. They woohoo on every floor. Then send them up and down and down and up... and up and down.... for day after day. Send them to woohoo... send them up.... send them down. Day after day.... THEN.....
An electric ghost scares one of the sims.
Its ok, he is just trying to catch his breath. After a big scare, that makes sense.
He checks his pulse. Ok... he looks calm. Everything should be fine.
Wait a second. He looks a little concerned. Hey Simmy, what's with the look. Everything is ok, right? Simmy?
(yikes!!! I guess not) He falls to the ground and grim shows up. GRIMMY GO AWAY. (sigh) This sim was suppose to give me the elevator death point. Come on... get up. I know, I'll send his girlfriend for a game of rock, paper, scissors, with grimmy. That will do it. All will be fine.

I go to find his girlfriend upstairs. WHAT!!! GET AWAY FROM HER. Its too late. The cafeteria cook has just gave her a fright. Her needs were low to, but maybe not low enough.
She checks her pulse.
And to my shock, falls to the ground. So much for the plan of having the zombie girlfriend save him.
On the ground floor is grimmy with the boyfriend. On the third floor, next to the chair lays the girlfriend zombie. What's the odds, two death by frights back to back. I can recall working and working to get the fright death. This isn't suppose to happen. Its suppose to be nearly impossible to get. (sigh)
Grimmy takes the elevator to the third floor. I hold my breath thinking it will probably plummet at this time.
Nope, he made it to the top.

Does his little grim magic and takes her away too.
Lights on to see the zombie a little better.

Since I need a fright death for the challenge, I decide to let both of these sims RIP. I'll bring back a couple of other townie cow plant deaths and send them to work on the elevator death. After all that woohoo, those cables have got to give. Unless the woohoo tip is like eating chocolate cookies gives you twins tip from the base game. I'm starting to think the plummet is random just as twin birth, alien abductions and satellite death. I'm not ruling the woohoo tip out just yet, it just didn't happen very fast after using it. I plan to try again. Before I do, I think I will let some days pass to allow the elevators to age. With most items, the age seems to increase the chance of breakage. If that holds true for the elevator, then letting some time pass may be a better idea. I added another row of elevators, because the two sims seem to get in each others way. Then would cancel out the que to use the elevator.

Another Starvation Death - unplanned

I was working to get the elevator death and the buttons grayed out. I got real excited thinking that one of them had plummeted to their death. Then I noticed grim inside the house around a mob of dogs.
It took a while for the dogs to move to see who had died. OMG NO!!! It was my only G2 offspring. A teen.... NO NO it can't be Dew U.

RIP G2 Offspring. AS soon as grim left, I sent the mom to use the grim phone and bring back the sim. The sim was maybe, half way to adulthood. So all I would have lost was that time. When I went to save the game, it locked up. It stayed in the "saving" mode for 5 minutes. I got a shock of fear. OMG what if the lot is corrupted. I would lose so much, have to start over. OR maybe I could move them to a new lot. (bites nails) Then I thought, if it does load how much playing time did I lose. I didn't recall when I had last saved the game. Couldn't even recall if I had saved at anytime during my playing session. (bites nails). So I exited the saving, exited the game, re-loaded the game. YEAH!!! it loaded. I'm back in and did save it before the starvation death. Just before I started to work on the elevator deaths. So I lost some work but nothing that was important. (breath of fresh air)

Oddly the pictures saved.... (shrug) how did that happen. Well these shots were to unique to toss. All the dogs on top of the sim looked like a new death. (trampled to death by pets). I hope you enjoyed them as much as I did.

Starvation Death.

Zombie Bath

Starvation Death. He was working for the elevator death and I let his hunger fall to low. OOPS
One of the sims starts to dance near the end of the funeral.

He is back to life. I still need the elevator death. Starvation is easy to get, so no problem getting that one back later in the game.

Zombie TIME

counter statistics