Saturday, April 14, 2007

Hail Storm

Trudy posted about having a hailstorm. I don't remember having had one. I decided to pull out the weather machine and give it a try.
Zappp! Into the sky.
Some science just shouldn't be done.
It seems like a very bad idea to zapp into the sky.
What does that do to the sims ozone layer?
Oh wait, sims are not real they are a game so zapping into the sky is probably just fine.

The hail starts just as a visiting sim gets eaten by a cowplant.

Wedding arch is still in the same place.

Eye needed some more days, so he went to milk the cow. He was the first sim to act as if he even noticed the hail.

I noticed all the sims went inside on their own. When I went to look why, I found a grim and the dancing girls.

A sim walking by feels the sting of the hail.
The gardener keeps on watering the garden while he get hit by hail.
Very interesting watering style.
This was funny to watch. I wish he had stayed longer.

He waters normally.
Then remembers the hail and slings the water can over his head leaving a trail of water. The water continued to flow out of the can in all sorts of directions.

He did this for about three or four plant spots, then left. I didn't capture the best pictures of this but at least you get the point of it.


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