Vampire Plantsim (more)

To get the vampire plantsim it took some interesting juggling. I didn't want the vampire to have full range of the lot and bite another sim. First I tried to put a fence around the garden area. The vampire's room was moved next to the garden with a door to the garden. The door was locked for all sims except the vampire. Well, the vampire flew over the fence in bat mode and escaped her cage. I didn't even think of that option. I flew her back in and put her back in her room. Then, deleted the fence and built a room around the garden with sun lamps. The door was locked to only allow one extra sim. So if plants needed tending during the day, they could work and let the vampire sleep. The vampire could only be in her room or the garden area.
First glimpse of the vampire plantsim. She doesn't look any different from any other plantsim.
The vampire plantsim is in need of a drink. Eye comes to her rescue.
Carpal Tunnel reached the top of her career and has perm plat status. WTG Carpal. Time to work on your badges and the next generation.
Carpal Tunnel working on her cosmo badge. The plantsim seems to have brown face paint (foundation) on. He stayed that way until he died.
Here is a side view of the plantsim who has the brown, not green, face.
Eye Hatesims has passed out from lack of water and it is raining. It looks like steam is coming off of him. Sometimes you see a little fog or haze with the rain. I figured the steamy look was just from that.
The rain didn't seem to help, so I sent another sim to help revive him. As Eye gets up, it looks very odd to be revived in that way.
Eye Hatesims seems a little unhappy about something. Could it be the wet pants? Perhaps. It wasn't until this point, that I realized he had been turned into a vampire (AGAIN). The lot vampire will not leave him alone. They seem to have a very strong bond. I've done things to bottom out their relationship. If the vampire is allowed freedom, they will auto re-build that relationship to romance. BITE. Sorry Eye, but I'd think you should have learned her evil ways a long time ago. Maybe all the cows milk has altered his thought process.
Eye must have scared the other sim. The original vampire (plantsim) is just behind the other two. She is very upset about the sun.
The sims home lot.

The area without the roof is the garden area that was used by the vampire.
Over all, the lot has got a tad dull. I took this shot just before I changed the house. Removed the pool and lots of the walls. Compacted the house to make it easier to manage. I don't seem to have a picture of the changes. Maybe I took this picture for a different reason that I don't remember.
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