Saturday, February 24, 2007


Matchmaker asked Eye Hatesims to help her improve her cooking skills. The matchmaker stuffs her face with some yummy chocolates. (1 pt) Grocery Delivery person takes the cake. (1 pt)
Checo, the ghost, taunts the cow plant with a yummy leg of beef.
Shot of graves before I move them to the RIP Graveyard.
5 points - Pet graves.

Three electric ghosts pack their bags and move to the graveyard.
94 Days of Vampire life. (13.4 points)

FINALLY... all career rewards earned.
Three NPC try to take the cake. Maid, Headmaster, and Pet Trainer.

3 points - NPC

Irilly Hatesims dies of old age in plat.

Malcom Landgrabb IV dies of old age in plat.

Bus Driver/Carpool drive rarrives. I can't interact with her so have to be creative to get her on the lot. I invited over another sim and used the "greet all sims". It worked for this sim as well as the other NPC.
Mystery sim is eaten by cowplant.
hehe.... Just kidding, it was the carpool/bus driver. I didn't plan it that way, they were posted out of order.

Good Night Pizza Lady.

Aliens grow up

I tried to combine some of the shots in order to keep the flow going as well as not have as many short blogs. So the actual play order is lost a little to some of these.

The Hatesims Lot adopted two aliens. The first one was a toddler and the other was an infant. I have several shots of the infant being delivered from the SW but didn't share any of the toddler. OH wait, scratch that. I used boolprop to merge the toddler into the house. She arrived and kept her LuvSims last name. Her name is Aliena. The infant was adopted into the house. Its been nearly 2 weeks since I've updated so things are less than clear.

This is Aliena as she just aged up from a toddler.
This is her after her makeover.
This is baby Amber B. Hatesims. The infant that was adopted. She just grew to a toddler.
Aliena is preparing for college. She is taking all of Malcoms skills. Malcolm will die of old age soon. No reason to let those skills go with him.
Amber B. Hatesims grows up to a child.

This is Amber B. as a teen. She is taking skills from the matchmaker. The matchmaker is the only elder on the lot, so made a perfect target for the simvac.
Amber B. Hatesism is off to school. Her first day as a teen.

Social worker brings an alien infant

I found this an interesting shot. A social worker, one who is suppose to dedicate her life to the "best interest of a child" has an unrestrained infant in her car. No car seat nothing. Poor little child.
I think the infant is afraid of the social worker. See how the infant tries to blend in with the chair in the car?
Now the infant has moved closer to the edge of the seat or at least away from the back of the seat.
Now the infant has dug down into the seat. NO NO I don't want to go.
The SW picks up the baby and dangles her for a minute. Good thing there is no balcony in the house or the SW would do a M. Jackson.
I'm not sure were the SW is going, she just missed the sidewalk that goes to the front door.
She doesn't seem to need a door. She walked through the living room wall. I wish I would have froze the shot a half a second sooner. So the shot would be a cross section of her half in and half out. Oh well, maybe next time. That is if it happens again.

LuvSims Household

Six sims are created to make the LuvSims Household.
Moving in day.
I have two plans for this household. One is to try to get an alien abduction. I've had a couple abduction at the Hatesims lot but no births. There should have been, the abducted males were adult and more than 5 days until elder stage. I figure it was a glitch, but I'm still trying to get an abduction on that lot. My second goal is to make this a GCS household. I've always wanted to have a full house of just GCS sims. Its a fun aspiration and to have a household of them must be hilarious. So I'm going to give that a try.

First order of business is to get enough aspiration points to buy the reward to change their aspiration. I have a mix of aspirations in hopes to build points for at least one of them. Once I get a GCS aspiration points wont be a problem.

First night with all six sims looking through the telescopes, I get an abduction. WTG ALIENS!!!!

Many hours pass and the aliens return the sim. The next shots are just of his return.
He falls out of the space ship (or was he pushed).

He rolls in the fall....
and lands on his lower back area.
He BOUNCES (?) off the street. (Is it possible for a person to bounce off a street? OH wait, these are not people they're sims. Ok bounce simmy bounce.)

He flies up a little. Then lands on his FACE with his bottom high in the air.
He stands up, looks shocked from the fall.
As he rubs his lower back, he turns around to look at the space ship.
He seems shocked at a sudden memory.

Then angry...
then depressed....
then he is fine and walks off.
Opps not better yet, he breaks down into a sobbing idiot. His time with the aliens was bad memories. The poor thing, I hope he can accept it someday.

Day one (or maybe two) belly poofs. YEAH alien on the way.

He ate cheese cake and gave birth to TWO little aliens. Ahhh so cute and so green.

One sims seems to be worried about the new additions to the house. OH how will I become a cheese head with all these kids. If he thinks this is bad, he should visit the Toddler Mania Lot.

A pleasure sim falls into aspiration failure. This took some work. I was glad when I finally got him to bottom out. I finally earned enough aspiration points to buy the first reward that changes them to GCS.

As soon as he can, he tries to reprogram himself. Red smoke to match his aspiration meter.
After he is changed, he rubs his tummy. It looks like he is telling his tummy that good things are in store for him.
Some time passed and another sim changed to GCS!!!!
Then another....
and another...

and another....
They all set down to a happy GCS meal together. Happy days and happy points all around. Eat up and enjoy.

The infants grow to toddlers.
A sim takes a nap in a GCS plate. The other toddler grows up.
The sims eat and the toddlers play. Nice pile of smart milk in easy reach for the toddler.
A neighbor walks bye with his pet. What an interesting dog.
After a while, I decided I need to get the toddler removed from the house. To bad you can't just call the social worker and have her come and take the kids like you can with pets. Since that isn't possible, I put a door to the nursery and locked it for all sims. A few days later, the social worker arrived and took the toddlers.
After the toddlers were gone, I sent the sims back to the telescopes. After a few days of trying I got another abduction. As soon as the babies were born, they were put into the nursery and left until the social worker arrived to take them away. Yes another set of twins. This time they were natural twins. He was to busy eating GCS to bother with cheesecake. Did you know that the social worker is part witch. That NPC walked through the wall to take the infants. FOR REAL, through the wall. That was beyond weird. It must be a glitch, I've had locked doors for other reasons and the sims still use the doors. They have a master key or something because locked doors don't keep them out.
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