Saturday, February 24, 2007

Aliens grow up

I tried to combine some of the shots in order to keep the flow going as well as not have as many short blogs. So the actual play order is lost a little to some of these.

The Hatesims Lot adopted two aliens. The first one was a toddler and the other was an infant. I have several shots of the infant being delivered from the SW but didn't share any of the toddler. OH wait, scratch that. I used boolprop to merge the toddler into the house. She arrived and kept her LuvSims last name. Her name is Aliena. The infant was adopted into the house. Its been nearly 2 weeks since I've updated so things are less than clear.

This is Aliena as she just aged up from a toddler.
This is her after her makeover.
This is baby Amber B. Hatesims. The infant that was adopted. She just grew to a toddler.
Aliena is preparing for college. She is taking all of Malcoms skills. Malcolm will die of old age soon. No reason to let those skills go with him.
Amber B. Hatesims grows up to a child.

This is Amber B. as a teen. She is taking skills from the matchmaker. The matchmaker is the only elder on the lot, so made a perfect target for the simvac.
Amber B. Hatesism is off to school. Her first day as a teen.


Blogger Simsation said...

That Aliena pic where she's taking Malcolm's skills puts me in a Matrix mindset.

1:32 PM  

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