Sunday, March 04, 2007

Sparkly food, Iceskating and fishing badge.

A shot of a sim eating a sparkly pop tart. At the time, I didn't understand why it was sparkling. Since I found out it was from putting fresh food into the fridge. This was confirmed by a fellow simmer (Trudy). She also said that the sparkly food may keep the sims full longer.

Matchmaker earning all her skills. She earned them all and got perm plat status. Then I used her to fill up another sims skills before going to uni. For some reason, she lost her perm plat status so I had to re-build her skills.
Here is a shot of a sim ice skating. While she is skating she is getting points toward her fishing badge. She is also building body skill. I'm not sure if it is a random glitch or something that will always happen.


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