Sunday, February 04, 2007

G5 Arrives and a Pool Party.

The social worker brings G5 to the house. The child is one of the kids from the toddler mania challenge. To celebrate the arrival of the fifth generation, Eye decides to throw a pool party. Eye is in another room calling friends to join the party. Wood U. is saying hello to his new son.
First of about 6 guests at the party.
Gardner asked if he could join the party after his work was done. Sure, why not.
Mr. Big is waiting to jump in the pool.

I send one of my playable sims to the pool. That will make it easier to get "the pool party" off to a blast.

The coach arrives and heads to the pool.

The pet police joins the fun.

Eye's relationship to the cop was a little low. I wasn't sure he would come over. This is the pop up I got. (he he) He doesn't think it could hurt if he came over. To bad for him. He should have said he needed to wash his hair.
The police arrive and join the others in the pool.

My playable sim decides she is done with her swim, so exits the pool.
oops.... the ladder is gone. I didn't see that coming, did you?
I'm mighty mouse!!!
I guess G5 sim wants to join the party. (screams.... NO NO NO... freezes game cancels action to dive in.... )
Opps to late, he jumps in. (shakes head)

He swims to the far end of the pool.
(holds breath) Ok, hurry up and get out already.
Sheesh, that was close. Diving board is gone and the ladder. Time to wait.... and wait.... and wait.... and wait.... Then finally....
The mailman is the first to go. (I jut realized I didn't' get a shot of her getting in the pool. She must have snuck in before I started asking sims to get in.)
Pet Police
Mr. Big

Uni Coach.

The end of the party.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know, with my BBQ and your pool party, we really should've celebrated together, lol.


8:06 PM  
Blogger javajan32 said...

Would you be interested in coming over for a nice kite flying party? ;)

11:11 PM  

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